Profelac Shepherd
- Sku: PROV003
- Vendor: Wanneroo Stock Feeders
Highly Digestible Premium Australian Dairy Powders including Bio-Active Proteins plus BioPAK SHEPHERD Premix containing Vitamins (A, D3, E, C, K3, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, Biotin, Choline), Trace Minerals (Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Cobalt, Iodine, Selenium including organic forms), Acidifiers, Amino-V8, Betaine, Host Specific Probiotics (Bacillus subtilis,Bacillus coagulans, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Saccharomyces boulardii, Saccharomyces cerevisiae), Live Yeast (S. cerevisiae & boulardii strains), Prebiotics (Celmanax, Inulin, MOS & β-glucans), Free Flow Agent, Antioxidant and Aromatic Flavour.
Premium Australian Digestible Dairy Ingredients
Improves nutrient absorption and feed efficiency. Includes a good source of Bio-Active Proteins (lactalbumin, lactoglobulins) and conjugated linoleic acid.
BioPAK® GOLD Proprietary Premix
- Acidifiers – improves coagulation of milk and protein digestion.
- Amino-V8™ – added essential amino acids provide an enhanced amino acid profile and effective quality protein to optimise frame development and daily gains to outperform powders with higher Crude Protein label values (data on file*).
- Betaine – to aid hydration and metabolic function.
- CELMANAX™ – unique blend of biological active yeast cell wall components and fermentation metabolites that supports positive calf performance, gut health and immunity. Known to reduce faecal shedding of cryptosporidia (data on file).
- Probiotic and Prebiotic – synergistic host-specific blend that aids digestion, binds gut pathogens, (Coliforms, Salmonella) and maintains healthy microbial levels for improved animal health and growth performance.
OrganoTrace® Minerals & Protected Vitamins – ensures essential daily requirements are always met to optimise growth and metabolic functions. Meets or exceeds NRC calf requirements.
To make 1L of ProfeLAC milk feed at 130-160g/L mix rate:
Add 130-160g (~ 1 metric cups) of ProfeLAC powder to 0.5L of fresh, clean warmed water to 38-40°C (Body Temperature).
- Mix until dissolved.
- Add water to bring volume to 1L.
- For lambs sensitive to bovine dairy powder or high lactose levels, feed the lower mixing rate and gradually increase when higher body weight gains are desired.
To make 1L of ProfeLAC milk feed at 120-140g/L mix rate:
Add 120-140g (~ 1 metric cups) of ProfeLAC powder to 0.5L of fresh, clean warmed water to 38-40°C (Body Temperature).
- Mix until dissolved.
- Add water to bring volume to 1L.
- For kids sensitive to bovine dairy powder or high lactose levels, feed the lower mixing rate and gradually increase when higher body weight gains are desired.
To make 1L of ProfeLAC milk feed at 180g/L mix rate:
- Add 180g (~ 1 ½ metric cups) of ProfeLAC powder to 0.5L of fresh, clean warmed water to 38-40°C (Body Temperature).
- Mix until dissolved.
- Add water to bring volume to 1L.
Feed good quality first colostrum soon after birth – follow industry best practice.
If first colostrum is not available feed ProfeSTART Colostrum Supplement.
Where practical, offer a 50:50 blend of colostrum and milk replacer for several feeds before switching to a complete milk replacer feed. Abrupt dietary changes may cause gastric discomfort in infant animals.
LAMBS – Mixing Rate: 130-160g per Litre
KIDS – Mixing Rate: 120-140g per Litre
DAY 1 (COLOSTRUM) | 20% of bodyweight | – | – |
DAYS 2-7 | 500 mL | 170 mL | 3 |
WEEK 2 | 1,000 mL | 333 mL | 3 |
WEEK 3 | 1,400 mL | 466 mL | 3 |
WEEK 4 | 1,400 mL | 700 mL | 2 |
WEEK 5-WEANING | 1,700 mL | 850 mL | 2 |
WEANING (7 DAYS) | 500 mL | 500 mL | 1 |
Note – updated recommendations may differ slightly to current labels.
Guidelines will align with arrival of new packaging. |
Mixing Rate: 180g per Litre.
Crias should receive at least 100mL/kg (10%) of its bodyweight in colostrum on day 1 and daily milk thereafter.
Divide daily milk volume into 6 feeds for first 1-2 weeks. Refer table.
Gradually decrease feedings to 4 feeds by 4 weeks, then to 3 daily feeds until weaned.
7 kg | 0.7 L | 115 mL | 6 | 125 g |
9 kg | 0.9 L | 150 mL | 6 | 165 g |
11 kg | 1.1 L | 185 mL | 6 | 200 g |
14 kg | 1.4 L | 235 mL | 6 | 255 g |
16 kg | 1.6 L | 270 mL | 6 | 290 g |
18 kg | 1.8 L | 300 mL | 6 | 325 g |
WEAN from 4-6 months of age provided cria has adjusted to good quality forage. Gradually reduce milk replacer feeds until cria is completely weaned. |
All purpose, Premium-Quality Milk Replacer that can be fed safely to most domestic and farmyard infant animals. Not recommended for marsupials or wildlife species.
Specific feeding guidelines for dairy and beef calves can be obtained by contacting ProviCo Rural directly on 1300 380 343.
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Profelac Shepherd