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  • Sku: 8716358000273
  • Vendor: Allpet
$63.90 AUD
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Product description

Environmentally friendly Hemparade® is made from the woody core of environmentally grown fibre hemp. Suitable for all hoofed animals and for use in chicken and small animal bedding. No insecticides or pesticides are used in the cultivation of fibre hemp. HempFlax’ modern harvesting and production methods ensure stable litter of a consistently high quality.

The most important thing about hemp bedding is to disturb the bed as little as possible, removing droppings regularly and wet patches occasionally. Topping up as required.

The horse stalls does not have to be clean out entirely unlike other bedding. Saving in the cost for setting up again and labor.

Better absorption

The natural absorption capacity of hemp wood is considerably higher than that of conventional materials. Moisture, odours and ammonia are absorbed better and more rapidly. Hemparade® is ideal for horses’ hooves, as it forms a springy, insulating bedding. Hemparade®’s structure prevents it from clogging the animal’s hooves. Acidification of stable litters such as wood shavings regularly leads to hoof damage. Farriers rarely come across incidents of hoof rot or other problems where hemp litter is used. Vets recommend the use of Hemparade®.

Dust-free and moisture regulating

Unlike wood shavings and straw, Hemparade® is virtually dust-free and has a moisture-regulating effect. Veterinary surgeons advise using hemp litter in the stable for horses with an allergy or respiratory problem. Hemparade® is equally ideal for those caring for horses who suffer from similar complaints.

Labour Saving

Hemparade® generates labour savings as the bed- ding can remain longer in the stable. Consumption is therefore also considerably lower than with straw or wood shavings. Added advantages include less storage space, labour savings and a smaller quantity of stable waste. In the space of just two to three months, Hemparade® transforms your dung heap into valuable, organic garden compost.

Litter down a clean stable with one bale of Hemparade per one and a half to two square metres.

Remove damp patches and manure daily with a fine-tined fork. Once all the bedding is down, sprinkle 5 litres (1 gallon) of water for every bale used. Leave to settle to allow the water time to activate the bed (at least a few hours).

Maintain the thickness of the bedding by replenishing with additional Hemparade. The average amount for replenishing is approximately one bale per horse per week. This depends on the level of maintenance and the horse’s habits.

The important thing to remember about a hemp bed for your horse is to disturb it as little as possible.

Removing wet patches and droppings regularly with a fine tined fork.

Maintain the thickness of the bedding by replenishing with fresh Hemparade®.

The average amount for replenishing is approximately one bale per month.

This depends on the level of maintenance and the horse’s habits.

Hemparade® is unpalatable to virtually all horses, but if the bedding is seen to be eaten, sprinkle it with a weak solution of eucalyptus extract to discourage the habit. A horse that is eating its bedding usually indicates other problems such as a deficiency in their diet or boredom. In these cases, please consult a vet. A similar product treated with eucalyptus oil is available as BioBase


Hemparade® is not treated with eucalypt extract and is suitable for all hoofed animal, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, reptiles, chicken and birds with a comfortable bedding.

Hemparade® comes in bales of approx. 14 kg or 140 Lt.

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