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Amprolium 200

  • Sku: 9341382000327
  • Vendor: Allfarm
$30.45 AUD
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Product description

Amprolium 200 Soluble Powder is for the prevention & treatment of coccidiosis in broilers, broiler breeders, replacement pullets, turkeys, ducks and pigeons. 

Amprolium 200 Soluble Powder is administered through the drinking water as an aid in the prevention and treatment of economically important strains of coccidiosis in poultry, including E. tenella, E. nexatix and most stains of E. acervulina. 

Use Permitted in Egg Production 

No Withholding Period 

Rate: 5g to 4L of water 

Dosage for Prevention: 30g to 25L water 

(240mg Amp. per litre) for 24 hrs every 4th day during periods of likely infection. 

Dosage for Treatment: 30g to 25L water (240mg Amp. per litre) CONTINUOUSLY for 5 to 7 days; reduce to 15g to 25L for another 5 to 7 days; reduce to 8g to 25L for a further 5 to 7 days 

SIZE: 100g
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Amprolium 200