Fiber Fresh Recall

Fiber Fresh Recall


18th Oct UPDATE

We have just received this email stating that you need to STOP Feeding & secure IMMEDIATELY.

 If anyone feeds ANY Fibre fresh products please STOP immediately and contain all products safely and securely.
Keep any receipts/details or any information about what you have purchased with batch numbers, dates etc and await further instruction from the Department of Agriculture.
"Where you have downstream customers or users, please also pass this request on for the same urgent action by them to secure the product.
We will provide you with a further update when we receive direction from the Department. We fully
appreciate that you will need to understand arrangements for further movement for disposal of the product, and in relation to costs remediation. In that regard, we ask that you keep full and detailed records in relation to these maters.
Should you have any questions, please contact and its distributor Hygain. We greatly appreciate your assistance and cooperation in this mater."

2nd Nov update: Fiber Fresh Australia UPDATE! 

‼️ Need details before: NOVEMBER 13th ‼️

Please read carefully and let us know if you have any questions. If we cant answer them, we'll ask the suppliers for you and get back to you.

We will need everyone who has the product (that they purchased from us) to send us photos of the product and the receipt so we can document it and send it to the suppliers (if you dont have the receipt, let us know, as we have the details on our loyalty system and can reprint the receipt).

Thanks for all being so patient and understanding! 💛🖤💛🖤

Friday 3rd Nov advice given to us:

If you refer to the FAQs 1 & 2, the advice is that your customers should also use the link to log how many bags they have on hand.
The advice remains as a STOP MOVEMENT so you should not accept any physical returns of stock, the consumer MUST NOT MOVE the stock anywhere until further direction is given.
3. does mention that if you must or choose to accept a return, you must secure the stock and NOT move the stock. The you must log the stock through the link provided. Should you refund the consumer, you will need to keep records of receipts and the consumer’s proof of purchase.
Perhaps remind the customer of the STOP MOVEMENT directive from Biosecurity and, if insistent on a return & refund, follow the advice above. It is just really important that you keep records and log the stock in the link.
Hi, I have checked with them about customers doing the online form and they have said not to worry about filling it out. They are now telling us that we need to pass on the quantities that we have in store and that they will be dealing with the retail customer quantities after that.
Sorry I cant be more help but it seems the information being passed onto us each day is changing slightly as this is a new situation for everyone. They have insisted that the bags are not moved or returned to the store.
They have issued a strict NO MOVEMENT request for anyone who has a bag.
Please just make sure you keep your records and purchase dates available and we will try to keep a record at our end too but they may request for you to contact them yourself (not sure yet). Thanks again for being so understanding!

Your customers that have bags of FF can complete the attached form and will be notified what the next steps are. I hope this helps